Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Social Studies Research Project Due March 5th

Dear Parents,

As we come to an end on our Social Studies unit of Historical Figures, students will be required to complete a research project using the skills already introduced and practiced in a previous unit. Your child will be allowed to pick one of the historical figures listed below to research. Students are encouraged to use additional sources as well (public library and internet). The project will be presented in the form of a Timeline and  must be kid created.

Projects are due on:  March 5th

The project must include the following information: name and picture of the Historical Figure, date when he/she was born, when and what made them a  Historical Figure, one interesting fact, and date of when he/she died. Your child will be expected to know the information and present it clearly to the class. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher. We hope you and your child will enjoy working on this project together. We look forward to seeing all presentations.

Thank you,

First Grade Team

Historical figures to choose from:

 Alexander Graham Bell

 Thomas Edison

 Garrett Morgan

 Richard Allen

 Sam Houston

 George Washington

 Abraham Lincoln

 Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday, February 24, 2014

School wide Science Supply Drive Going on February 24-28

In order to stretch our budget further for non consumable items, (i.e: test tubes, measuring cups, and iLights); we would appreciate donations of the following consumable items for our science lab.  Boxes will be located in the front hallway near the display case for drop off. 
a.    D-Batteries
b.    Paper Plates Small or Large (can be left overs from holidays or parties) 
c.    Cotton Balls
d.    Straws
e.    Foil
f.    Lima Beans, Radish Seeds, Sunflower Seeds (quick growing)
g.    Q-Tips
h.    Jars
                                          i.    Film Canisters and/or EMPTY Rx Bottles w/out labels and/or baby food jars, EMPTY and clean spaghetti sauce jars
i.      Food Coloring
j.     Water Colors (can be previously used but in good condition)
k.    Balloons
l.      Sponges
m. Extracts (such as, almond, strawberry, vanilla, peppermint, orange, lemon) 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spread the Word- Kindergarten Round-Up 2014


Patsy Sommer Elementary Kindergarten Round-Up 2014 is very quickly approaching and we are excited to begin the process of preparing for next school year.  If you know of any student that will be entering Kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year we ask that you help us to spread the word about Round-Up and early registration.  Kindergarten Round-Up will be held March 5th from 9-2 and sign-up is now open!  Please refer to the link below for more information.

Thank you,
The Sommer Kindergarten Team